Archived Articles

Ancient Pole Shifts

Paleomagnetic Evidence That May Support
Two Cayce Readings On Former Pole Shifts


Two Cayce readings indicate that shifts of the poles of Earth's spin-axis were responsible for ancient global geographies quite different from today's. THC has found scientific evidence that may support such pole shifts. We say "may" because, while the scientific paleomagnetic evidence clearly supports shifts in excursions of Earth's magnetic field, not all scientists would agree that such excursions would necessarily coincide with shifts in the poles of the spin-axis.

Will another pole shift predicted in Cayce readings 3976-15 and 378-16 occur soon? If so, the two ancient pole shifts described in the Cayce readings will be validated. And a great deal of what is assumed to be known about Earth dynamics and historical geology will have to be rewritten by the geologists of the coming generation.


A sudden shift in the poles of Earth's rotational axis would be the most exceptional geological event of the past several thousand years. And, of all the world's natural scientists, geologists would be the most dumb-struck if a pole shift occurred. This is so because most all geologists think that our planet's crustal features got that way according to the prevailing plate-tectonics and sea-floor-spreading hypothesis. A pole-shift-powered change in Earth's topography, and in its land-and-sea boundaries, is not considered to be possible, even though it can be shown hypothetically to transform global geography and geomorphology quickly and efficiently. Should the Earth soon experience a pole shift, future generations of geologists will be occupied in rewriting the evolution of our planet's surface features. The basis of a fundamental new model of Earth changes by pole shift will involve both horizontal and vertical crustal motions, not just the essentially horizontal sea-floor spreading construct. Such a model will explain the pulse of the Earth through times past. People interested in Edgar Cayce's psychic readings want to know more about the coming pole shift predicted in reading 3976-15, inferred by THC to begin any day now. Timing of the shift of the poles was hinted at in the following reading.

In the record chambers {in Egypt around 10,500 years BC} there were more ceremonies than in calling the peoples at the finishing of that called the pyramid. For, here those that were trained in the Temple of Sacrifice as well as in the Temple Beautiful were about the sealing of the record chambers. For, these were to be kept as had been given by the priests in Atlantis or Poseidia (Temple), when these records of the race, of the developments, of the laws pertaining to One were put in their chambers and to be opened only when there was the returning of those into materiality, or to earth's experience, when the change was imminent in the earth; which change, we see, begins in '58 and ends with the changes wrought in the upheavals and the shifting of the poles, as begins then the reign in '98 (as time is counted in the present) of those influences that have been given by many in the records that have been kept by those sojourners in this land of the Semitic peoples.

(378-16; October 29,1933)

But the the very idea of a sudden shifting of the poles finds no place in today's geology text books. And so, we thought it might be useful to examine the geological literature for any evidence of ancient pole shifts. Indeed, to entertain such a notion, we chose at random a scientific study as one of the best ways to indicate how much better it would have been if a pole-shift explanation of the study's geological findings was invoked to explain them, rather than the plate-tectonics model offered by today's geologists. Here is a description of the chosen study, complete with THC's editorial comments highlighted in yellow.


Prehistoric reptiles in the balmy Canadian Arctic

Tamar Simon
December 21, 1998

You think we've had a mild winter so far? Well, a fossil discovery in the Canadian high Arctic shows that this is nothing. After finding the bones of a prehistoric, cold-blooded reptile called champsosaur near the North Pole, scientists are rethinking their theories on the Earth's climate 90 million years ago -- and turning up the heat. The fossils were found in the summer of 1996 on Axel Heiberg Island by a team led by geophysicist John Tarduno of the University of Rochester. The Canadian island lies within the Arctic Circle, just over 1100 kilometres from the North Pole, and on a day like today would likely experience temperatures of 30 to 40 degrees below zero Celsius. But according to Tarduno, the discovery of the bones -- including tibia, vertebrae, femur and jaw bones from several different champsosaurs -- shows that the now-chilly north once had a climate more conducive to building that backyard pool.

"It's surprising and extremely interesting," Tarduno says. "It's something of a puzzle." It's no puzzle at all, if one accepts the pole shift explanation in which the north pole suddenly shifts from the cold arctic to the equatorial zone.

The first piece of the puzzle was uncovered when Tarduno took his team of students up to Axel Heiberg to take samples of hardened, unusually thick volcanic rock on the island. "The lava flows [found there] are ten metres thick, ten times the thickness of flows today," Tarduno explains. "That represents extremely vigorous volcanic activity." Such "extremely vigorous volcanic activity" sounds very much like the "upheavals in the arctic..." mentioned in Cayce reading 3976-15, as preceding a coming shift in the poles of Earth's rotational axis.

While on the island, the team found transitional rock right on top of the lava and below some marine rock -- a type of sediment ideal for preserving fossils. The "transitional rock" could have been laid down during the pole shift.

"I bet the students we'd find fossils," Tarduno recalls. "Within five minutes one of my students pulled up a femur and said, 'Like this?'"

The bones were then given to Donald Brinkman, the vertebrae paleontologist at Alberta's Royal Tyrrell Museum, for analysis. It turned out to be an easy I.D.: the champsosaur, a well-studied crocodile-like reptile with a long snout, lots of teeth, well-developed limbs and a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Champsosaurs lived in the late Cretaceous period 92 to 86 million years ago, just at the end of the dinosaur period. The Axel Heiberg champsosaur was large -- over two metres long.


But while champsosaur fossils have been found in Asia and North America, they have never been found this far north. And that's where the mystery lies -- because, as Brinkman puts it, the average Axel Heiberg temperature is "cold!"

"This is an ectothermic reptile," Brinkman explains. "Dinosaurs could generate heat to control body temperature, but this wouldn't have been able to." Therefore, because after pole shift Axel Heiberg was transported to a tropical realm, the new environment was suitable for champsosaurs.

Therefore, for a champsosaur population to survive on the island, the mean annual temperatures in the high Arctic during the late Cretaceous period must have been about 14 degrees Celsius -- much warmer than the zero degree mean previously assumed. But according to Tarduno, adjusting our view of late Cretaceous Earth to include a high Arctic that feels like present-day North Carolina throws all our assumptions about global climate into turmoil.

"When we think of global climate, we look at the [North and South] poles to equator gradient," Tarduno explains. "This fossil evidence shows that the [assumed] mean annual Arctic temperature of zero degrees couldn't have been. But if the near polar climate was warm, the entire Earth would be warmer than previously thought."

"It's interesting for climate modelers," he adds. "Polar regions are extremely important to determing how the whole global climate works. How did the equator not overheat?" Because, due to pole shift, what was once a polar region was now in the tropics.

While continental shifts (he's invoking the plate-tectonics, sea-floor spreading hypothesis here) might mean Axel Heiberg was farther south 90 million years ago, Tarduno and Brinkman say it would still have been above sixty degrees latitude, in what is considered high Arctic. They say that the new evidence suggests that there was probably a lesser range of global temperatures from the equator to the poles than was previously thought. They also say that the fossils show there may have been a Cretaceous "greenhouse effect" caused by all the volcanic activity.

"We can't avoid the fact that these fossils are sitting right on top of this extremely large volcanic eruption," Tarduno says. "It's very reasonable to suggest that so much CO2 was dumped into the atmosphere that it overwhelmed the system, causing global warming."

Tarduno hopes to return to the Arctic this summer to look at different localities in the same latitude, to look for other evidence of the prehistoric climate. In the meantime his study, co-authored by Brinkman, Paul Renne of the Berkeley Geochronology Center and Pat Castillo of the Scripps Insitute of Oceanography, can be read in this week's issue of the journal Science.

Cayce Readings That Indicate Ancient Pole Shifts

Here are the portions of readings 364-13 and 364-4 that imply ancient pole shifts during intervals of 1) Miocene and 2) Late-Pleistocene times. References to global geographic changes resulting from pole shift(s) in each of the two different time intervals are highlighted in bold font. Our lead-in to the first, Miocene-age time interval of reading 364-13, is found in a different reading, number 5748-2 (May 28, 1925).

Now, as we see, as given, how and what the classifications were of the physical in the earth's plane at that period, the numbers then of human souls in the earth plane being a hundred and thirty and three million (133,000,000) souls. The beginning then of the understanding of laws as applied from man's viewpoint being in this second rule in the country now Egypt. The rule covering the period of a hundred and ninety and nine (199) years, and the entity giving the chance to the peoples, for the study being in the twenty and eighth (28th) year, when [he] began to gather the peoples together for this and surrounding himself with those of that land and of the various lands wherein the human life dwelled at that period. The numbers of the people that came together for the purpose then numbering some forty and four (44). The Courts as were made were in the tents and the caves of the dwellers of the then chosen priest from the Arabian or Tibetan country, who came as one among those to assist with the astrologer and the soothsayers of the desert of now the eastern and western worlds, and with this the conclave was held for many, many, moons. The period in the world's existence from the present time being ten and one-half million (10,500,000) years, and the changes that have come in the earth's plane many have risen in the lands. Many lands have disappeared, many have appeared and disappeared again and again during these periods, gradually changing as the condition became to the relative position of the earth with the other spheres through which man passes in this solar system.



[Ed. note: Such Earth changes could easily have come about as a result of the shifting of Earth's spin-axis poles. See Part 3 of THC's book, "Earth's Catastrophic Past and Future."]

We continue now with the reading that speaks about Miocene-age times.

(Q) Did the appearance of what became the five races occur simultaneously?
(A) Occurred at once.

(Q) Describe the earth's surface at the period of the appearance of the five projections.
(A) This has been given. In the first, or that known as the beginning, or in the Caucasian and Carpathian, or the Garden of Eden, in that land which lies now much in the desert, yet much in mountain and much in the rolling lands there. The extreme northern portions were then the southern portions, or the polar regions were then turned to where they occupied more of the tropical and semi-tropical regions; hence it would be hard to discern or disseminate the change. [This geography is certainly a result of pole shift(s)].

The Nile entered into the Atlantic Ocean. What is now the Sahara was an inhabited land and very fertile. What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States. That along the Atlantic board formed the outer portion then, or the lowlands of Atlantis. The Andean, or the Pacific coast of South America, occupied then the extreme western portion of Lemuria. The Urals and the northern regions of same were turned into a tropical land. The desert in the Mongolian land was then the fertile portion. This may enable you to form SOME concept of the status of the earth's representations at that time! The oceans were then turned about; they no longer bear their names, yet from whence obtained they their names? What is the legend, even, as to their names?

(364-13; November 17, 1932)

Now here is the second of the two readings from which THC infers that pole-shift(s) occurred, over a 200,000 year period at the end of the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs. (The Pleistocene itself was 1.8 million years long. The 200,000-year interval mentioned in the reading below includes the most recent 10,000-year-long Holocene epoch.) The pole-shift geography described in bold below is said to have existed during the greater part of the 200,000-year interval.

(Q) Please give a description of the earth's surface as it existed at the time of Atlantis' highest civilization, using the names of continents, oceans and sections of same as we know them today?
(A) As to the highest point of civilization, this would first have to be determined according to the standard as to which it would be judged - as to whether the highest point was when Amilius [?] ruled with those understandings, as the one that understood the variations, or whether they became man made, would depend upon whether we are viewing from a spiritual standpoint or upon that as a purely material or commercial standpoint; for the variations, as we find, extend over a period of some two hundred thousand years (200,000) - that is, as light years - as known in the present - and that there were MANY changes in the surface of what is now called the earth. In the first, or greater portion, we find that NOW known as the southern portions of South America * in the Arctic or North Arctic regions, while those in what is NOW as Siberia - or that as of Hudson Bay - was rather in that region of the tropics, or that position now occupied by near what would be as the same LINE would run, of the southern Pacific, or central Pacific regions - and about the same way. Then we find, with this change that came first in that portion, when the first of those peoples used that as prepared FOR the changes in the earth, we stood near the same position as the earth occupies in the present - as to Capricorn, or the equator, or the poles. Then, with that portion, THEN the South Pacific, or Lemuria [?], began its disappearance - even before Atlantis, for the changes were brought about in the latter portion of that period, or what would be termed ten thousand seven hundred (10,700) light years, or earth years, or present setting of those, as set by Amilius [?] - or Adam. We are through for the present.

(364-4; February 21, 1933)


*The word "and" in the original stenographic record makes no sense here. It has been deleted and the word "in" has been substituted for it.

Is there any scientific evidence for the readings'-inferred shifts of the poles of Earth's spin axis? Three studies were found. There are probably a few more.

The first was a study published in 1961 in the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. It is titled, Remanent Magnetism in Silts of Pleistocene Age From North America.

A second, published in Boreas in March 2001, is titled Palaeomagnetism of the Moberly formation, northern Missouri, confirms a regional magnetic datum within the pre-Illinoian glacial sequence of the midcontental USA.

The third is one found in the Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program reports.

We'll discuss the implications of each of these studies below. But first, a few words about paleomagnetism and its uses.

Paleomagnetism of Volcanic and Sedimentary Rocks

Paleomagnetism refers to the study of natural, residual magnetism of rocks and sediments to determine the intensities and directions of the Earth's magnetic field in the geologic past. The direction of the north pole of the Earth's magnetic field can be determined by measuring the mass orientation of magnetic grains present in oriented field samples brought into the laboratory. The result of a given determination of the ancient magnetic field may be used to infer the former direction of the ancient north pole of the Earth's spin axis at the time that lava cooled below the Curie point (temperature at which liquid lava solidifies), or the time at which magnetic grains in a sediment were deposited and consolidated. The resulting direction of the Earth's magnetic field determined assumes that the magnetic north pole as measured lies in reasonably close proximity to the north pole of our planet's rotational axis. This is a reasonable assumption, geologists would agree, and could be accepted to hold true in the past as well. But few geologists will take that step when interpreting their paleomagnetic data.

Paleomagnetic Study of Silt Samples at the Margin of the Illinoian-Age Continental Ice Sheet in South-Central Indiana The abstract of the 1961 paper says the following:

Remanent magnetizations of 64 silt specimens of Kansan, Illinoian, Sangamon, and Wisconsin age are reported. All, except some of the Illinoian specimens, are apparently normally magnetized. The primary magnetic fabrics of the Kansan, Sangamon, and Wisconsin specimens may have been deformed slightly by the consolidating effects of overriding Pleistocene ice sheets. Twenty-two specimens from the basal part of an Illinoian-age glaciolacustrine silt display a confusion of north-magnetic-pole plots, 21 of the plots lying between latitudes 18°S to 88°N and longitudes 7° to 176°W. This apparent confusion of the magnetic field corresponds to the time of the Illinoian glacial maximum in southern Indiana. Nine specimens from the upper part of the Illinoian silt unit, representative of post-glacial-maximum time, are normally magnetized.

TABLE 1.-Magnetic-north-pole positions obtained from remanent magnetizations of specimens of silts of Pleistocene age from North America

Footnotes are to studies that give stratigraphy and (or) sedimentation at sampling localities.

Stratigraphic Position

Pole Positions





Pole Positions
Spec. No.
  Glacial maximum1
  Scarborough beds2
  Upper Don beds3
  Middle Don beds3
  Basal Don beds3
  Post glacial maximum4
  Glacial maximum5
  Preglacial maximum6
  Early alluvium7
  1. Harrison, 1958, table 1, no. 6, and appendix, no. 6; also, Harrison, in preparation.
  2. Terasmae, unpublished studies; (specimens from basal 1.0 meter).
  3. Coleman, 1914, 1933.
  4. Wayne, 1958, p. 12, units 7 and 8; (3 specimens taken along one bed are in agreement).
  5. Wayne, 1958, p. 12, unit 4, (basal 0.6 meter).
  6. Wayne, 1958, p. 10, unit 3; (3 specimens taken along one bed are in agreement).
  7. Horberg, 1956, appendix, no. 13; (change location to NW1/4 SE1/4 of section).

Table 1 indicates that the average magnetic field at the time of the maximum extent of the Illinoian-age ice sheet in south-central Indiana was oriented toward
31N latitude and 122W longitude. This seems to make sense if one is looking for an explanation as to why the Illinoian ice sheet reached so far south. (See the green pattern below.)


Illinoian-age silt samples of Table 1
The Illinoian-age silt samples of Table 1 were taken where the white pattern intrudes into the green pattern, in south-central Indiana.

Climatologically, the ice sheet would have been responding to a north pole of our planet's spin-axis located in the general vicinity of present-day San Angelo, Texas. But this would only be true if the north pole of Earth's spin-axis had tracked the north pole of the Earth's magnetic-field pole at that time.

Geologists may wish to read the entire paper related to Table 1 here.

Paleomagnetic Study of Largely Till SamplesFrom Northern Missouri

Here is the abstract for the paper authored by C. W. Rovey II and W. F. Kean.

The Moberly formation of northern Missouri, USA includes glacigenic sediment deposited during the second major pre-Illinoian glaciation and is overlain by three younger normal-polarity tills. The Moberly (mostly till) preserves two different magnetic remanences. A detrital remanent magnetization has reversed polarity with shallow (-30 to-40°) inclinations. The shallow inclination is regionally persistent and spans different facies, including those not prone to large inclination error. A secondary overprint of normal polarity is associated with a thin oxidized zone and weakly developed paleosol in the upper portion of the till. This chemical remanent magnetization is distinguished by high coercivities typical of authigenic ferromagnetic minerals and by scattered remanence vectors upon stepwise demagnetization. The secondary normal remanence was likely acquired during a brief interglacial period between deposition of the Moberly formation and the next glaciation. The short interglacial and the shallow inclinations indicate that the glaciation which deposited the Moberly occurred shortly before a major polarity change from reverse to normal, probably the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal.

If the reversed magnetic polarity found correlates with a reversal of the pole of Earth's axis of rotation, then there could have been the global geography described in reading 364-13.

The extreme northern portions were then the southern portions, or the polar regions were then turned to where they occupied more of the tropical and semi-tropical regions; hence it would be hard to discern or disseminate the change.

Flood, R.D., Piper, D.J.W., Klaus, A., and Peterson, L.C. (Eds.), 1997.
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Vol. 155 231 12.


Stanley M. Cisowski and Frank R. Hall

The normalization of the natural remanent magnetism to laboratory-induced remanence for discrete samples from the top 54 m of Hole 932A produces a pattern similar to the apparent variation of the geomagnetic dipole intensity for the period 10-80 ka. Similar patterns in the shipboard archive-half intensity measurements for several other holes suggest that a paleointensity stratigraphy can be employed to date Leg 155 fan sediments. Two short intervals of anomalous field directions, or excursions of the geomagnetic field, have been identified in Hole 932A, at ages of ~32 ka and ~43 ka, as determined from their positions within the intensity pattern. The younger excursion, which has been identified in nine Leg 155 holes, is best defined by discrete samples from Hole 930B. This excursion, which may correspond to the Lake Mungo Excursion, as recorded in aboriginal firepits in Australia, and sediment cores from the Gulf of Mexico, is characterized by short-lived (~40 yr) synchronous peaks in inclination and intensity. The older Hole 932A excursion probably represents the Laschamp Excursion. Discrete sample analyses for Holes 942C and 946A revealed two other anomalous polarity intervals within interglacial Stage 5. The younger excursion is associated with an interglacial carbonate layer representing Substage 5c. The older interval includes several short periods during which the field was nearly reversed, and may represent the Blake polarity event within

Here we read that two short intervals, one of which might have been of only 40 years duration, were identified in Hole 930B. Other short intervals of magnetic excursions were identified in Hole 932A at 32,000 and 43,000 years before the present. Assuming once again that these magnetic excursions could equate to short shifts of Earth's spin axis, we could postulate that Cayce reading 5728-2 above might just explain the following picture. Only pole shifts could be the intermediate mechanism that could have caused the lands spoken of to have "appeared and disappeared again and again."

...the changes that have come in the earth's plane many have risen in the lands. Many lands have disappeared, many have appeared and disappeared again and again during these periods, gradually changing as the condition became to the relative position of the earth with the other spheres through which man passes in this solar system.


Paleomagnetic studies of volcanic rocks and clastic sediments are becoming more prevalent in the scientific literature. Interpretations of extreme excursions of ancient magnetic fields - when these are noticed - stop short of linking them to shifts in the poles of Earth's axis of rotation. This lack of follow-through seems to be related to a need on the part of researchers not to contradict the prevailing plate-tectonics hypothesis, when it comes to explaining our planet's geomorphology and associated geodynamics. This hypothesis, which currently holds sway amongst conformist geologists, will need to be modified comprehensively if and when the Earth experiences the coming pole shift mentioned in two Cayce readings.


I wish to thank Norman Scherer and Jonathan Eagle for their assistance in
the finding of references and in formatting this article for posting, respectively.